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Essential Oils for Throat Chakra

Here are a few essential oils that help with the throat chakra.

Lavender is one of the safest and most versatile oils out there to use. You can use in the bath tub (5 drops) or a vaporizer. It’s great for a mood booster and wonderful to help connect the throat and crown chakra together.

Roman chamomile is the best oil to calm the throat chakra. It’s wonderful in teas, but be careful when using. It can make you feel spaced out, so don’t drive after use of this oil.

Rosemary, thyme, and sage are wonderful in steam for inhalation. You can either use them together or alone. Don’t use while pregnant, or talk to a doctor before use. You can look up all kinds of recipes for a steam inhalation.

I hope this helps and if you would like to order any oils please contact me. I would be more than happy to purchase them for you or help you set up a young living account. Always keep in mind that oils are a helping tool and you should always talk to you doctor about what works best for you. In no way are these oils used to fix a disease or illness.

Cassandra Raske


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